Friday, February 20, 2009

Stephen's First Bowling Trip

Yes, my journey through Proverbs 31 is still continuing, but I wanted to sway from that today and blog about today's bowling trip. Jeremy has one day off each work week. Usually he takes it on Fridays. That way, we have Friday-Sunday together. We try to spend these days doing family things since our time is so limited during the week. Our trip today was to Cici's Pizza and the bowling alley. Cici's was great, of course, but a real hindrance to my Weight Watchers! Stephen was surprised by every part of our trip, since we never tell him where we're going. When we got to the bowling alley, he saw the big bowling ball and pins poster over the door. He said, "Who are we gonna see bowl?" Jeremy and I were like...YOU! This was his first time (bowling on the Wii does not count!). We were put on a lane with bumpers and found one of those hill type things for little ones to roll the ball down. It was super fun! Stephen bowled a 71; not bad for his first time. We then played in the arcade for a little while. I thought about signing Stephen up for their bowling league but...he wasn't THAT good! Ha! Soccer in April will be enough for now!

1 comment:

  1. I have never seen one of those hill things before! When I worked at a day care a long time ago, we took the kids bowling every week. Even though it was candlepin bowling (small, soft-ball-sized balls, a New England thing), it was a weekly nightmare. First, we had to put bowling shoes on every child, and then they never had the bumpers ready for us, so the kids would want to run around the place, messing with all the games. Sometimes the kids would not have the stregth to get the ball all the way down the lane, so we would have to walk down there and give them a push! Sometimes, the balls would get to the pins and no further, or down where the machine could not reach them. We would actually run out of balls and have to fish them out of the machinery! I was always afraid a child was going to throw the ball behind them, and one time a child stuck his head down where the balls come up. Before I could get to him, a ball came and knocked him in the head! Oh, and we were supposed to keep score so that the parents could see how they did! This was 3-5 year olds!!! I think I am scarred for life, but that is my bowling story. I am glad that you guys had a good time. Cherish those times as family.
