Monday, February 16, 2009

My Journey Through Proverbs 31

Since moving, I have had many questions. Every thing seemingly familiar to me now rests over an hour away. Many people whom I love dearly are no longer "right down the road." This step of faith has pushed me spiritually in ways I was not prepared for. Jeremy and I are very happy right now. We miss our past life but are so excited about the future. The Summit is more than we could have imagined. I thank God every day for the ministry he gave us at Union Grove and the ministry He is giving us at the Summit. Still, though, I've had questions. Life has, in a weird sorta way, kinda started over. And for me, the only place I know to look for direction is God's Word.
Last week, I re-focused my quiet time. I have laid aside my former devo's plan and am strictly studying the virtuous woman of Proverbs 31. This passage has always spoken to me and been a type of guideline for the wife and mother I want to be. If I thought I knew all there was to know from the studies I've done in the past, boy was I wrong! My eyes have been re-opened, and I am again learning in overwhelming amounts. The Holy Spirit is pointing things out to me that I have overlooked for years. And in this study, my questions are being answered. I am, if it doesn't sound too silly, "finding myself" again!
The Lord has taught me so much so far that I'm anxious to share it with anyone who will listen. Jeremy may become a virtuous woman before this is all said and done! I think Proverbs 31 is so powerful for every woman out there who strives to have a heart for God. I'm gonna post every day or so what I'm learning in hopes that it may encourage someone else. Please let me know if the Holy Spirit shows you something I may have overlooked. I am looking forward to learning and sharing as I grow.


  1. I am looking forward to reading what God has shown you through His Word. Thank you for being willing to share this with all of us!

  2. You know the Bible talks about the older women teaching the younger women but I wonder if God is talking in older or more mature in spiritual terms. You seem to be so wise in the approach you take to things. Digging deeper all the time. I think that is what we all need: Get in the Word and Dig Deeper. How fast we would mature in the Lord. Thank for all you share with us (me). I am looking forward to what God gives you in this study and for the conference. Love ya! Miss ya :-(

  3. I'm looking forward to reading what God shares with you. You are such an encouragement to me and we miss you dearly!
