Sunday, February 22, 2009

My Journey...Part 3

This weekend has been crazy. We actually drove to Winston last minute on Saturday to show someone our house. I put it on Craigslist late Friday night, and we've already been contacted by 5 people! Keep praying!
Just a reminder that I'm still on Proverbs 31:10 in my study. It says, "A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies." Today's entry should conclude what I've learned on that verse, and I'll move on to the other 21! The fact that this verse asks "who can find?" clearly shows me that the virtuous woman's husband sought after her. I can't tell you how many times I used to tell the teenage girls that it was the guys' "job" to search after them; not the other way around. That's really hard for so many of us! We're go getters naturally and like to take things into our own hands; control freaks in other words!
In mine and Jeremy's relationship, however, he definitely sought after me. It only took a month, however, and I was hooked! I then have to ask myself...
*Does Jeremy consider me worth his "search?" Most of the time but not always; I tend to be self-centered at times and put my own needs (and those of the boys') above his
*How then can I change things to make his "prize" more sweet/ more like the "dating years?" A couple of my many answers were: to put him as my top priority next to Christ; see Him through God's eyes; do things that speak his love language; etc.
On this topic Henry writes, "the value which he that has such a wife ought to put upon her, showing it by his thankfulness to God and his kindness and respect to her, whom he must never think he can do too much for."
Every thing that I long for from Jeremy; all the praise that I like to hear; these things can be mine if I strive to be "worth far more than rubies" as his wife; his gift from God!

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