Tuesday, February 24, 2009

My Journey...Part 4 Continued

I'm still sharing what I've learned from Proverbs 31:11,12 which says, "Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value. She brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life." Maybe, just maybe, I'll finish these 2 verses tonight! Yeah Right!
Another area in which the virtuous woman's husband trusts in her takes place when they are around others. He doesn't worry about what she will say or the effects her actions will have on himself. This husband trusts his wife in public.
*Does Jeremy trust me in the presence of others? I would like to say yes, but I know sometimes I shy away from new people and new surroundings (this is not a good thing with us being at a new church and all!)
Matthew Henry also writes, "He trusts in her fidelity (loyalty, faithfulness) to his interests, and that she will never betray his counsels nor have any interest separate from that of his family." Here's another hint at my "job description:" focus on my family!
This man can also trust his wife when he is away. He can trust that things at home will be ran as well as if he were there himself. Therefore, if he must leave for business, or simply just a day of pleasure, he can rest easy that home will be just as good as when he left!
Okay, this next section, the part that explains, "lacks nothing of value" or "he shall have no need of spoil" blew me away. I am still pondering all that the Lord revealed to me through this phrase. All that to say, I will only have time to introduce it tonight. I'm so excited to share it all, though! God's Word is incredible and so applicable! Here's a start!...
First off, the virtuous woman's husband doesn't have to scrape around and search for $ because of his wife. In other words, she is not wasteful. In addition to bringing in income (I'll talk about that later), she is a saver. She is a wise spender. I assume that she's a "moneysavingmom!"=) Her work on the budget saves her husband money. Therefore, he can devote more time to his family!
Okay, I'm busting to go on, but the second part of this "no need of spoil" thing is the most exciting thing I've learned. It will take too long of a post for this, so I'll try to share it tomorrow. If not, it will be soon! Can't wait!...


  1. Thank you so much for this series. I am learning so much from reading your posts. I may have to look into this devotion for myself. I only wish I had gotten to know you better before you left UG. Seems like I could have learned a lot from you :-)

  2. Thank for you sharing. I am enjoying your blog bible study.

    Love ya and we still miss you all.

  3. I am enjoying this Tiffany. It has made me look at things a little differently.
    I loved the picture of Caleb you posted. He looks like he is a happy baby!

  4. We are so blessed to be able to keep in touch with you through your blogs and phone calls. I miss you and was just beginning to really know you as a friend. I pray that the Lord continues to use you to encourage others and your husband's ministry. You are a wonderful servant for Christ!
