Tuesday, February 17, 2009

My Journey...Part 1

I am (and will be for weeks) continuing to work through Matthew Henry's commentary on Proverbs 31:10-31. Referring to the description of a virtuous woman in Proverbs 31, I Timothy 2, and I Peter 3, Henry writes "with good reason is so much stress laid upon it, since it contributes as much as any one thing to the keeping up of religion in families, and the entail(consequence, to bestow as a heritage) of it upon posterity(future generations, descendants)."
This statement reminded me that as women, we set the thermostat of our homes. By our actions and attitude, we encourage either peace or frustration. It's like the old, corny statement, "If Mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy." Like it or not, bad day or good, we set the climate of our homes. And more importantly, we set the spiritual temperature. Yes, Scripture commands the husband to be the spiritual leader, but Proverbs 6:20 also says, "My son, keep your father's commands and do not forsake your MOTHER'S teaching." I understand, but then I must ask myself, "in addition to God commanding it, why else (as if I need another reason) should I strive to promote Christ in our home?"
And again I say "aha!"...I will strive to set a "hot" spiritual temperature in our home because of the future I long for for Stephen and Caleb. I want our boys to have a spiritual heritage. I want them to look back on their lives and "not remember a day when they didn't know about God." My decision today sets the precedence for their homes one day; for, if I can fathom it, my grandchildren and great-grandchildren. I am not just investing in today. I am not just investing in the boys. I am investing in the future. That, despite how I might feel any given day, is worth working hard for!


  1. Was this one for me! I needed this after the few days we have had in our home. I am enjoying your commentary on Proverbs 31.

  2. Great lessons to learn. Thank you for sharing with us. It also spoke to my heart about the heritage we desire to leave for Rachael.
