Saturday, January 17, 2009

Sacred Parenting

I'm presently reading about 4 books, which is very unlike me. Usually I finish one before I start another. For some reason, so many of the new Children's Ministry books Jeremy has recently gotten have grabbed my attention. I can't seem to stay focused on one. There's SO much to learn. One of these books I'm reading is Sacred Parenting by Gary Thomas. I'm not that far into it but have already learned a lot. The book is all about how parenting shapes us as Christians; how it teaches us about God and about ourselves; how we learn from our children as we attempt to teach them. It's been really humbling to understand how much God can teach me through my attempts at raising Stephen. Tonight when I put Stephen to bed reminded me of this so perfectly. He had been upstairs in his bed for about 15 minutes when the "Mama" signal came flooding down the steps. This is very unlike him, so I immediately went upstairs. When I got to the gate that blocks his door, he was standing there waiting for me. I said, "Stephen, what do you need?" And in the most innocent voice you can imagine, Stephen answered, "Mama, I need you." That was it for me. I climbed over the gate and crawled into his bed. We snuggled, and I told him silly made up stories about Thomas. Finally, as his eyes began to close, I slipped out of his bed and back downstairs. I've been thinking ever since about Stephen saying "Mama, I need you." I wonder how often God has this same thought when I pray to Him. If God asked me (and He does with each new day), "What do you need?" what would my response be? I'd probably give Him this list of wants that my mind has mistaken for needs. I may rattle off a list of prayer requests, probably the same ones that I ritually pray each day. But would I even consider saying, "God, I need YOU."? Doubtful. Isn't that what it's all about, though? Shouldn't God be all that I need? And then, like I crawled over that gate and snuggled with Stephen, just like he wanted me to do, don't you think God, as a loving Father, would then grant me those things that I really needed? I believe so and even more tonight than in awhile, I believe I have a lot to learn. What will it take to get me back to that point where all I really need is God? Is it another August 27? Not sure, but I am humbled and eager to re-realize that God IS all I need!


  1. This really spoke to my heart. I do need Him every moment. Thanks for reminding me.

  2. You have such a gift at writing your thoughts. Thanks for sharing this illustration - it was a blessing.
