Monday, November 22, 2010

Me and Dory!

I often joke about having short-term memory loss like Dory. I can literally forget where I put something and have no idea where to even start looking. In a blink, the memory is gone, and most of the time, we never find the thing I lost. Tonight, though, all joking aside, I believe my short-term memory loss was confirmed!

Jeremy and I went to BJ's to get some stuff and between the self-checkout aisle and customer service, I lost our receipt. I didn't even make it to the exit where they check what you bought before you leave. Seriously, this was like 5 steps...max!

When the lady asked us for it, I immediately knew I had forgotten where I put it, and there was no chance of me remembering...ever! There was an awkward 10 seconds or so where both she and Jeremy looked at me like I'd lost my mind. We had only walked by one trashcan, and I didn't even have a diaper bag or purse that I could have mindlessly dropped it. At this moment, I still have no idea where I put it!

As I look back on the moment (and yes, I can remember all of it!), I know my mind was racing with lots of other things, so I acted in autopilot. For example, Jonathan had just peed on me, Caleb was anxious to climb out of the buggy, and Stephen was carelessly riding on the front. Plus, it was past supper time, and in the busyness of the day, I had totally forgotten to eat lunch (Did I just say "forgot" again?). So, in my defense, my mind was on other things.

I also wondered tonight what has happened to my brain. Some say it's pregnancy...some say it's 3 young kids....others say it's all the anesthesia I've had in me. Who knows? Where did the valedictorian (does the fact that I just googled that word to make sure it's spelled right mean anything??) and the college student who finished her 4 year degree in 2.5 years go? I don't know...I doubt I'll ever find her again...I think she's been lost too, in the everyday joys of being a Mommy. I wouldn't trade my mindless, brain oozing out my ears life for anything.

One look at Caleb's sweet face, and you'll know why...Just hope I don't forget him somewhere!


  1. I COMPLETELY feel your pain!!!! I constantly lose stuff, forget what I was saying, or don't remember where I'm going. It is beyond frustrating most of the time but refreshing to know that I'm not alone!

  2. PS "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming..."

  3. And I thought I was the only one! I have a bad habit of doing that with my car keys and my classroom keys. My students help me keep up with school keys, but I've spent many a panicked moment tearing my house apart looking for them. Glad to hear others do this too!

  4. I feel like I've lost my mind too!
    When I walked up to the house today and hit the "unlock" button on my car remote to try to unlock the house, I knew I would have to share that with you!

  5. It's called being a "Mommy" and I'm so proud of you!
