Sunday, November 21, 2010

Hold 'Em Tight

Some nights it hits me like a brick wall, and tonight was one of them. I never "impromptu blog," so who knows what this will turn out like.

Caleb's been asleep for over an hour and just woke up screaming. I went into his room and picked up a sobbing little boy out of his crib. As I held him tight, I could feel how tense his body was. A couple minutes later, I felt him relax and feel safe in my arms.

While holding him in that dark room, my mind went back to Stephen 3 years ago. How many times did I watch our baby fight and struggle in pain? How long did I hold my breath til he relaxed and felt safe? How many more times did I cry, wanting desperately to be that person holding him but knowing I was physically unable?

Tonight, as I go to bed, I'm reminded to hold them tight. I'm comforted to remember that when I can't, their Heavenly Father can. Tomorrow, I'll love them big. I don't want to let a moment pass.

We won't forget and are better for it...


  1. I love you and hold you and your family "tight" in my heart! You are so dear to us and I learn so much walking beside you. Thank you for being such an amazing woman/mommy/friend!

  2. This was tough, but this Thanksgiving Day I am again thankful for what God has brought you and your family through. As I look at this picture, with tears so much flashes back. The thing I remember now is the morning Stephen's Dr. came to the ICU and stood at the foot of your bed and told you that Stephen was facing serious surgery. I remember you looking directly at that Dr. and saying "I'm praying for you". With Jeremy not able to be with you as he was in a coma, I know it was tough, but you put your faith and trust in God and He heard your prayers. People say get over it, but I will never forget, it dims, but never forgotten. So this Thanksgiving Day, again thank you God for all you've done. You and Jeremy are wonderful parents. Love, Mama
