Sunday, March 1, 2009

My Journey...Part 5

It's Sunday night, and we haven't been home long from taking Stephen to see PlayHouse Disney Live. The show was in Greensboro, and Stephen loved every minute of it. He especially loved it when the Little Einsteins rode in Rocket. I'm sure other Moms know what I'm talking about. The picture, nonetheless, is terrible, but hey, we had a great time!
Anyways, my journey through Proverbs 31 continues. I seriously doubt if I will ever finish this. Forgive me if it's becoming monotonous. Here goes, regardless=)...
I have to add one thing to Part 4 that I left out concerning the virtuous woman and her husband. Another way that she ministers to him is through her conversation and care of his clothing. Proverbs 31:23 says "Her husband is respected at the city gate, where he takes his seat among the elders of the land." Henry writes (and this is way better than I could ever explain it), "By his wise counsels, and prudent management of affairs, it appears that he has a discreet (private) companion in his bosom, by conversation with whom he improves himself. By his cheerful countenance and pleasant humour it appears that he has an agreeable wife at home. Nay, by his appearing clean and neat in his dress, every thing about him decent and handsome, yet not gaudy, one may know he has a good wife at home, that takes care of his clothes." This is what I want others to see when they see Jeremy!
Moving on...This next section talks about her work ethic. Over the years, as I have studied this passage, I have always felt conviction. You'll probably see why.
Proverbs 31:27 says, "She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness." First off, this woman hates to sit still. As Elizabeth George puts it, "she never does anything sedentary." She is always busy. I struggle with balancing this aspect with taking time for myself. I also wonder about this when I consider sitting and watching TV with Jeremy a priority for "us time." See what I said earlier, this part always gets me.
Regardless, I do realize that Satan finds us something to do when we don't find ourselves something. I then question where Satan is stealing my time. Probably in the amount I spend on the computer, over thinking things, looking for "deals" and wasting more time than I do saving money, etc.
Another part of the virtuous woman's worth ethic includes when she works. Proverbs 31:18 says, "She sees that her trading is profitable, and her lamp does not go out at night." Even when night comes, work can still be done. Matthew Henry commented on this passage by saying how blessed we are to have electricity and be able to work at night. The Proverbs 31 woman had to work hard just to have "night-light" and could have easily just went to bed. That shows me how much she loved what she did. It always reminds me how important hard work is. And that is truly where I am in my
"work journey"...trying to understand what, in addition to the beautiful duty of staying home, God has for me. More to come tomorrow...Good night!=)


  1. Great words of wisdom. I definiatly need to look at my idle hands and watch them very closely. Thanks for reminding me.

  2. Love the picture. Looks as though you had a wonderful time. Great words of advice in your post. We could all use our time more wisely.
