Tuesday, March 17, 2009

A Quick Update

I had all good intentions on blogging yesterday about the conference and Proverbs 31.
The day, however, seemed over before it began, and blogging did not happen. Today has been the same, so this will be short. Hopefully I'll be able to elaborate more tomorrow. Yesterday was pretty busy due to another follow-up eye appointment for Stephen in Durham. He did SO well! He even sat in the chair by himself and let the Dr. examine him like a "big boy!" We were there til 6, but it was worth it. Dr. Freedman again told us that Stephen's eyes are now perfect. She said that she doesn't like to use the word "perfect," but in Stephen's case, it was the only word that would do! She also told us that he is now able to use his eyes together and has depth perception. In her opinion, we are DONE! We do go back one more time in 4 months, but there is nothing else to do. Jeremy and I are so thrilled! Dr. Freedman told Stephen that he "made her day!" Praise the Lord! Very briefly and to the point, the conference was awesome! I so glad I went; not because I got to share but because of how much I learned. I'll share more details (and hopefully) pictures very soon! Thanks for praying!


  1. You did awesome at the conference and I am go thankful I was able to go. Your family is such a great blessing to me! Christ shines from you and its contagious! Love Ya!

  2. Glad to hear the great news about Stephen. God is good.
