Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Conference & My Journey...Part 7

Here are the details from this past weekend that I alluded to yesterday: The conference was awesome! We arrived in Gatlinburg on Thursday with Jeremy's parents. Jeremy and I did a little shopping at the outlets (I got 2 shirts for $10 total!). We had some supper and checked into the really nice room where we were staying. Friday was pretty relaxing. We had breakfast and an early supper, and I took some extra time to prepare for later that night. Friday night was the first night of the conference. It was so great to see all the ladies from Union Grove! They had these cool red t-shirts made that truly made me feel more relazed and loved!=) Before Reba spoke on Friday night, I shared with the 450+ women who were there what God had done in our family's life. God blessed me with calmness. For the first time ever, I was able to pray for guidance while at the same time sharing. It was amazing to communicate with God while attempting to communicate what He wanted me to say! I pray I was a blessing and encouragement to someone. Our family just wants God to use us! The conference concluded on Saturday, and I left feeling refreshed. I also learned so much, and I'm sure will refer back to my notes many times in the future. Thanks again to everyone who prayed. I could definitely feel it!
So, back to Proverbs 31. This part of my journey is pretty short and to the point. Here goes:
Proverbs 31:15 says, "She gets up while it is still dark; she provides food for her family and portions for her servant girls." I realize that we've already touched on this verse in the past, but there's more to learn from it in this section! Based on her supplying her family's needs (and wants) I ask myself, "Would Jeremy or the boys have reason to complain about my provision for them?" Probably yes; I want them to be blessed and not always feel that we're trying to "cut corners." A good way to provide this way is to focus on my own home and not someone else's. Proverbs 31:27 says, "She watches over the affairs of HER household and does not eat the bread of idleness." This virtuous woman does not have time to be a "busy body." She is too busy in her own home. She also doesn't compare her family (or herself!) to others. She knows she is doing her best, and that is enough!
To finish up part 7 (I told you it was short!), look at Proverbs 31:20. It says, "She opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy." Henry writes, "She is as intent upon giving as she is upon getting. She does it freely, cheerfully, and very liberally." The Proverbs 31 woman reaches out. Next to giving to her family, she realizes that giving to others is second in importance. The real reason that she probably saves is so that she can give more. That's what Jeremy and I have always done. I'll give you a real life example (and don't compare...I mentioned that earlier...our giving is NOT perfect!): I've been researching cheaper ways to eat out recently. Yes, I know that cooking is much cheaper than eating out. Jeremy and I, however, love to go out once in awhile. Sometimes we simply have to. Our budget, though, often suffers in this area. I've done some research, and we have begun saving money, even when we eat out! Here's how: I have signed both me and Jeremy up for the e-mail club of every restaurant that we like. By doing this, both of us have received tons of coupons. We even get free stuff on our birthday! I take my coupon e-mails each month, and Jeremy and I decide where we're gonna go out to eat. We don't make decisions on the fly. It's something we think through. How does this relate to giving to others? Here's what we've found ourselves doing: When we go out and use a coupon, we always tip on the original amount. In fact, we've found ourselves tipping way more because our bill is so low! See, we're saving but in return blessing someone else even more! It's so much fun! I hope that make sense. It's a simple example, but something that has recently helped us! Let the saving and GIVING continue!=)


  1. I hate I could not make it to the conference! I did get one of those cool t-shirts though! I can not wait to get the dvd and watch it. I heard you did a great job.

  2. I am also on the email list at several restaurants that Buddy and I like to eat at. A couple of weeks ago we were able to eat at a really nice place for less than half of the usual cost thanks to an e-mail coupon! And while Quinn eats "big-people" food, a kid's meal is usually too much for him. He either eats part of what we order, or gets the kids' meal for free or cheap, due to his age.

    I heard you did great at the conference. Pastor allowed people who went to give testimonies on Sunday night. I was blessed by simply hearing the opinions of those who went. Maybe Elizabeth will let me borrow her DVD...

  3. Enjoyed seeing you at the conference. God used you in a mighty way.
    We love you guys!

  4. You did a great job at the conference. God really blessed my heart by your and all the ladies testimony. You are such a blessing. Thank you for your testimony.

    Our Ladies Sunday school class has a few weeks before we start some lessons Pastor wants us to teach so through your postings we decided to study Proverbs 31. The Lord has really used your post to be such a blessing. Please pray as we prepare for this. There at unmarried women in the class and our hope is that they see Gods words are for all in this Proverb, we all have households we run every day and people we minister to. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and inspiring us to study this very meaningful passage.
