This week Stephen was excited to find out that the library was hosting a Beyblades tournament on Saturday. For those of you without boys, Beyblades are these spinning, little tops that you battle others with in battle domes. You count down, 3-2-1-Let It Rip, release your Beyblade, and battle it out til someone's stops spinning, and a winner is determined! I never realized til today how serious this is for so many little boys. There are all different kinds of Beyblades with different names, and different "spinning abilities." It's CRAZY! Stephen and I were overwhelmed!
The tournament ended up being a free for all, and Stephen entered it kinda timidly, which would be expected since he was one of the youngest there. I was proud of how much more social he's become as I watched him eventually end up battling with the bigger boys. He actually ended up leaving with a new Beyblade that he had traded with someone!
We had a fun time, and I think there will be more Beyblades purchased in the future!
Here's where Stephen started his Beyblade battles...on the sidelines with a little guy his own age:
Here's where he ended:
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