I question if we will ever be healthy again after the week we've had. Really? I started feeling yucky on Monday and found out Wednesday I had an ear infection. Who gets ear infections at this age? Wednesday afternoon Jonathan spiked a 103.2 fever, and we immediately took him to the pediatrician. His flu test came back positive (which begs to question if that's what I had too??). On Thursday, Stephen had a dental procedure done where he was sedated. He did well, and we're glad that's over. On Friday morning Caleb started running a fever, and although we took him to the Dr., we're not sure what's going on.
Mama stayed with us almost all week and now she's home sick. Jeremy and Stephen are the only ones who have somehow avoided this. It's been crazy!!
Everyone seems better today, though, and I'm hopeful we're on the mend. These type weeks make me so thankful for the health I take for granted!
Praying for lots of healing for you and the boys! Love y'all