Thursday, August 26, 2010


Okay, so here's a recap of the week's events so far. As I write, I keep telling myself, "Don't be bitter, Don't be bitter!" I think it may be helping!=)

First off, the baby is due tomorrow, August 27. Yes, I know it's the 3 year anniversary of the wreck, and I could become an out of control bottle of emotions if I let myself. Thankfully, I guess, in a weird way, this week has been crazy, and it has kept my mind off of other things. Nonetheless, it's tomorrow, and I'll be glad when that day is past (although it will be filled with rejoicing!).

So, back to this week: Early Tuesday morning I woke up out of a dead sleep with contractions. I timed them for awhile, and they were around 7 minutes apart. I called the Dr., and he recommended I wait it out since I was only dilated to a 1 at my last appointment. That was totally cool with me. I'd way rather suffer here than in the hospital!=) The next morning, though, I got an appointment at the Dr. They were scheduled to see me on Thursday anyways, so it wasn't a huge deal.

When we went, I was dilated to a 4. The Dr. said she could bet I would go within the next 24 hours. I felt the same way. Jeremy and I came home, and surprisingly, the contractions began to slow down. We even took 3 walks around the neighborhood in hopes that they would pick back up. By bedtime, they were all but gone. My Mom spent the night just in case, and I slept wonderfully. Yesterday (Wednesday), I hardly had any contractions and figured that for some reason this baby had decided not to come. We are still early anyways.

That takes me to this morning. At around 2:00 I woke up again with contractions. This time they were much stronger and 5 minutes apart. I didn't want to risk having this baby at home (Caleb came super fast), plus I have to be treated for Strep B when we arrive at the hospital, so we decided it would be best to go on. Sarah graciously came over to stay with our boys, and Jeremy and I headed to Duke.

Since I'm at home typing this right now, most of you know where this story is going!=) We got there and were taken back to triage for evaluation. The contractions were the same, but I was sure I had progressed some. Well, that was not the case. The monitor showed that I was contracting about every 5 minutes, but I had not progressed any. Because I was not in dire straights (and having problems coping) the Student/Dr. person said I should just go home. Really? She even recommended I take some Tylenol until it passes (and yes, she was a college student who had never had kids!). Honestly, I'd rather be here at home in labor (that's why we didn't go on Tuesday night), but as I type this, I'm still in shock that they sent me home. Honestly, I've felt quite a bit of selfish anger. I'd have loved some pitocin or some walks around the hospital or something!=) Nope!

Right now, my boys are still asleep, and they'll never even know Daddy and Mommy were gone. That's a good thing. The bad part is I've had about 3 hours of sleep and know Jeremy is just as tired as I am as he leaves for work. Yes, it's super frustrating. They kinda make you feel stupid when this sort of thing happens--It's a first for us. I've warned Jeremy now, though, that he may end up delivering this baby at home. I'm just stubborn enough to wait til the very last minute!=)

Seriously, we are all anxious to meet this new little one, and I really thought it would be today. Who may still be. I'm gonna grab today, though, as another chance to enjoy my boys and trust the Lord's timing is best. Shouldn't I have learned that 3 years ago, though!=) I'll keep everyone posted!


  1. I'm surprised they sent you home too, but don't let the hospital people get to you. This same kinda thing happened to my best friend, only she wasn't in labor! She had gas! But she was so embarrassed after leaving the hospital that she waited to go to the hospital until her water broke because she didn't want to be fooled again! She got there so late she couldn't have any type of pain killer!

  2. Aw man! I thought this post was going to be announcing the baby, like "seriously??? another boy?". I think they can't/won't admit you to the hospital unless you're at least at 5 cm. Don't wait too late to go...I did, and we had to wake Andrew up in the middle of the night and take him to the hospital with us! (not fun for anyone!) Hang in there, it'll be soon!!!

  3. I am shocked they sent you home but I am praying that you have that baby today!!! Keep us posted!!!

    PS...I think it is a girl!!! :)

  4. hang in there! we made a "false alarm" trip to the hospital with our third child....and my husband's an OB!!! You just never know!!

  5. you are going to have a little girl tomorrow, but that's just MY opinion! ; ) praying for a healthy baby boy or girl!

  6. I know it may not be your wish but God may just bring you full circle on August 27th as if your family's testimony is not powerful enough already. I have witnessed His guiding hand upon your famiy in some pretty awesome ways. We love you and are praying. P.S. I now am guessing girl since "she" is already bringing "drama" to the family :)

  7. Oh, Tiff I know how frustrated you are, but God is working on something really special. Time will tell. I am proud of you and love you and your family with all my heart. Three years ago, I don't want to think about, so for now we will reflect on this precious bundle you are carrying. You know Stephen and Caleb say, "A Gurl". Love and hugs, Mama

  8. Hang in there, Tiffany. I pray you have a perfect delivery (but not at home). Call me if you decide to do that, though. I think at this point I can catch a baby...or watch the boys for you. :)
