First off, I haven't had a baby yet. I feel great (all over again), and the boys and I actually spent the morning at the pool. I love it when people ask, "When are you due?" and see their look of surprise when I say, "Today!" Am I thinking this baby will actually come today? Probably not, but it would be some kind of amazing miracle, huh? We'll see!=)
So, today's the 3 year anniversary of our wreck. Last year I did quite a lengthy post on how I felt and the emotions we were going through. This year has been completely different, though, so I will keep this to a minimum. I feel like I've healed emotionally so much, even since last year. I still remember, of course, and I've been a little teary-eyed some today but not nearly as much as in the past.
I've learned this year that my sufferings cannot begin to compare with the suffering Christ endured for me. How dare I feel sorry for myself? I have a God who understands beyond what I can comprehend. He has healed us more emotionally this year than every before. I'm more than grateful for that!
This morning my devos were right on track. Here's what I read...hope it speaks to you...make sure you read til the end for another "God moment":
Psalm 130:
"From the depths of despair, O Lord, I call for your help. Hear my cry, O Lord. Pay attention to my prayer. Lord, if you kept a record of our sins, who, O Lord, could ever survive? But you offer forgiveness, that we might learn to fear you. I am counting on the Lord; yes, I am counting on him. I have put my hope in his word. I long for the Lord more than sentries long for the dawn, yes, more than sentries long for the dawn. O Israel,hope in the Lord; for with the Lord there is unfailing love. His redemption overflows. He himself will redeem Israel from every kind of sin."
The study part was as follows (by Rebecca Faber):
-William Eduard died June 1, 1993...
"I was telling Mom today how comforting the friends are who acknowledge the reality of what is happening. That brings a kind of relief from pain...
I value the friends who write in their cards, 'When we heard the news, your eyes filled with tears. We weep for you. There's nothing to say. Except we love you, and we are praying. Hold on to God-surely He will help you through even this.' That's a useful thing to say-that has solidity, comfort.
Their attitude is clear. It shows several important characteristics. First, an attempt to empathize: 'I'm tring to walk in your shoes just now, to imagine it's me, and even thinkng of the possiblity makes me cry out in pain.'
Second, it shows faith. Their statements validate the spiritual world, the unseen, invisible things. Eternity. Life after death. 'Eternal truths have not shifted, even though what you are experiencing is huge, overwhelming, right now. There are absolutes that you can count on: gravity is still gravity. God is still God. He still cares for you. This tragedy does not cancel out the facts: He is able to help, to succor you. We don't know what to do. But God can reach you, so we are praying. In this terrible time, reach out to Jesus, dear one.' These friends lend me words of faith in my darkness. Thoughtful, kind statements of God's character, God's being.
Finally, their words show gentleness. Sensitivity. Sensibility. 'We feel for your in your suffering. We don't have pat answers; we have emotions that vibrate in response to your situation. We are not trying to solve and erase your pain. We haven't discovered a formula to dry up your tears.'...The wise friends say, 'We can't let one more day go by without sending you a note to say this, just this: We really, really care. We are so very sorry this has happened'."
As I read this Scripture and excerpt this morning, my mind immediately went to our family and friends from Union Grove. This is the exact way that you loved on us, and we will forever be grateful. We are so amazed and thankful for the life God has now given us at the Summit, but we will never forget the love you poured out on us in 2007 and before. Thank you for showing us Christ when we could barely see Him ourselves. You truly "loved us like Jesus." Thank you!
And here's an amazing thing that just happened as I was typing this:
I figured that the "William Eduard Faber" referenced at the beginning of the devotional was someone famous whom this particular author was referencing, so I googled his name. It pulled up a set of obituaries, and I scanned down the page to find June 1, 1993. Sure enough, I found the exact name and date, and here's the humbling part. When I compared his birth date to date of death, this little guy was only 18 months old when he passed away; not but 2 months older than our Stephen when we had the wreck. This whole excerpt was written by a mother who had lost her son in some unexpected way. How close I was to being that; to writing this same devotional myself. Wow! Thank You, God, for reminding me how thankful I should be. "This is still the day that You have made!"