Tuesday, August 25, 2009

This is the that Day the Lord has Made...

I'm going to go ahead and blog now, because we will be out of town Wednesday and Thursday. First off, thank you so much to those who have supported us this week whether through commenting on here, phone calls, or e-mails. It really has made a difference. We've felt love and support, just like we did 2 years ago in the middle of our storm. Thank you!

Since my last post, I have been keeping more busy than I thought I could handle. Getting out of the house has helped me focus on other things besides myself. The list of accomplishments include: We signed the final paperwork to close the court case on the wreck. This was a huge relief, and something we've wanted closure on for 2 years now. Stephen had his first Hillandale soccer practice and was as cute as ever. Seeing him run around that field is an amazing blessing. There were moments where even the Dr.'s questioned if this would be possible. His first game is Saturday, and we can hardly wait. Stephen also had a follow-up eye appointment from the surgery that was done in February. Tears came to my eyes as they put the little temporary patch over his eye to check his vision. We dealt with 3 hours of patching for a year straight and are so grateful that phase of our life is done. The Dr. again said that Stephen's vision is perfect, and he will not have to go back for 6 more months. Caleb took 6 wobbly steps this week. I'm expecting him to take off any day now. He's been into everything, and I know it will worsen tremendously when he does start walking!=) Jeremy and I made an offer on a house in Durham. Presently, we've countered back with the bank and are waiting on a response. I'll keep everyone posted. So, that list of things, plus many more that I just can't think of, have kept me focused on the present as opposed to dwelling on the past.

With it being the 2 year anniversary, we've also made contact with so many people who played a part during that time. I talked to Jade on Monday, and he is continuing to do well. I told him again how much we loved him and think of him every day. If the compassion we have for Jade only touches the love our Father has for us, I cannot even comprehend it. It's like nothing I've ever felt. We've also sent thank you notes to both David Arnold (who got Stephen out of the car) and Suzanne and her family (who did CPR on Stephen...I still question how to truly say thank you to her...God used her to give us back our child...Words are too futile). I also e-mailed Sally Gupton and told her thanks for the amazing pictures she took last year on the 1 year anniversary. I've contacted Baptist Hospital and found out that one of our favorite nurses, Adeleh, will be working on Wednesday. We plan to go and visit her before speaking at the Grove later that night. As far as Thursday goes, the only thing I know we're doing is spending it as a family. Jeremy's off work, and we'll still be in Winston. Being together that day is really the most important thing for our family. As much as I will wish the day away and cry as if it were happening all over, I will be full of thankfulness. Discerning tears of joy and sorrow will be difficult to do.

So, to sum up my "anniversary post," thanks to all of you, family and friends, past and present, who "loved us like Jesus and carried us to Him." Your love for us was truly selfless and a direct reflection of your love for the Savior. We were overwhelmed, and I know He was pleased. To Jade, if you even read our blog, we love you. God had a plan for you that day just as He did us. You were in that other car for a reason, and He left you on this Earth for a purpose. We share a bond with you that no one else in this world could ever understand. You sat in your car that evening and waited just like we did. You healed in that hospital just like we did. You went through the painful hours of physical therapy just like we did. You understand. Our prayer is that you will one day come to know the Father's love just like we did. That you will find forgiveness in His mercy just like we did. That you will understand. We pray for you each day. We love you. To Stephen, your Daddy and Mommy are so thankful for you. You have endured more than most 3 year olds, and we pray it will only make you stronger. God gave you back to us that day when He could have taken you Home. He has a plan for your life, and we will support you as you follow His leading. Thank you for the opportunity of loving you. Let's "turn up the music" every day and celebrate with our whole hearts. To Caleb, you are the child God intended us to have. We have not forgotten the child God took that day. Our hearts yearn for the day we get to see him or her face to face. Your presence, however, and that cute little grin have done more than ease the pain. They have let us see life as something new, something fresh. We are so grateful for you and would not change things. God wanted you, Caleb, to be in our family, and we are reminded by each smile that His plans are perfect. To Jeremy, what can I say? It has been a long road. We've come so far, but I know we'll never be the same. I'm just glad we're travelling it together. You are my partner, my friend. The one God intended me to love life with. The memories of those uncertain weeks still haunt me. The pictures in my mind of you in that coma come back more than I'd like. They are all washed away, though, by your love. By the silly smile you give me when I say something off the wall. By the way you rough house with Stephen on the floor. Just by the way you hold me at night and let me be me. Thank you. I love you more today than you could understand. Let's keep serving our Healer together as long as we have life! And lastly, to our Father, what can I say? The storm was long and uncertain. But You were there. You held our hands all along the way. You weren't surprised by any doctor's report or surgery. Thank You for being so real to us during that time. Thank You for letting us cry to You and truly understanding. Thank You for our Storm. Thank You for another day. We can hardly wait to bow at Your feet and truly say thank You.

So on Thursday, August 27, and every other day, our family will say, "This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it."..................

One of the pictures Sally took of Stephen last year

Me and Caleb at Stephen's last t-ball game

Stephen at his first Hillandale soccer practice

While I was getting ready the other morning, Caleb found a fun play place under the bathroom sink.

Jeremy and Stephen the day we signed our final court papers on the wreck.

I took this picture out the front window of our car on the way to the beach a couple weeks ago. It depicted so perfectly the storm God must have seen us driving into on August 27, 2007. He had a plan.


  1. You are such a blessing. I shead tears remembering with you that day and the days that followed. But God is good and I am glad he returned you, Jeremy and Stephen to us. Thank you for reminding us how truly GREAT HE IS.

    Love you and hope to see you tonight.

  2. Wonderful, wonderful post!! That's really all I have to say!!! : )

  3. Tiff, I happen to be reading your book today, on the 2 year anniversary of the accident. I thought you might appreciate the string of events that led me to have it in my possesion.

    Last night after church, I was standing around in the sanctuary, waiting for my turn to practice an offertory. I probably would not have been playing an offertory at this particular time, except that the last time an "instrumental" offertory was scheduled, I was out of town at my sister's wedding. We are almost never out of town. I should have been the first in line to practice (practices are supposed to be done in the order they will be "performed"), but a group had gotten to the sanctuary before me, so I was waiting. I did not even know that your book was being passed around until Kim asked me if I had read it yet. Apparently, someone else was supposed to get it last night, but did not come to church, so she gave it to me.

    I read half the book last night. I couldn't put it down. I can't wait until it is published so that I can buy a copy!

    God has done so much through you these two years, and I know He will continue to use you. I am praying for you!

  4. We love you guys so much. It was a joy to see you all last night.

    Beautiful post!

  5. Tiffany first of all the above pictures are just wonderful and bring such joy to me on this day.

    I love you more than words could ever say, your life has been so touching to me as your Aunt in the past 2 years more than you will ever know. This "Storm" happened for a reason and like you and so many others have said it was "Your Storm" God has control over everything and everybody's life. I have always been so proud of you and what God has done with your life but He really put you to the test and you stood the trials and the heartache like a true Godly Women that you have become I know that Maw Maw would have been right by your side and basicly she was in spirit for I could just feel and see her so many times in you and your actions and your words and just your everyday life when this Storm hit your family. God has been good and is still working with this Storm of yours for I have passed the book around to so many people and they all have come back with great words and encourgement for you and your family. So see God does work in mysteries ways and will always and forever this Storm will be yours and Jeremy's and Stephen's work for Him.

    I can't express enough how much you Jeremy and Stephen mean to me and how blessed I am and proud to call you my Family!!!!

    Love you all
    Brenda Qualls Jones
    The busy Aunt
