Saturday, May 9, 2009

Lessons in Life...From a Stroller!!=)

Stephen had another soccer game this morning. He did well, minus any goalie highlights like we had last week! While walking to his field, however, I had a "Holy Spirit teaching time" moment. Jeremy had ran back to the car, so I was pushing Caleb in the pop-up stroller with Stephen walking beside me. The walk to the fields is pretty long. In fact, we usually take our sit-n-stand but couldn't this morning due to limited space in the trunk. So, this morning, Stephen had to walk. Walking, however, was boring, and he insisted on pushing. At first, I let him push Caleb and the stroller by himself. This was taking way too long, and we were going everywhere. I just wanted to get to the field! Then, I met him in the middle and let him hold one handle while I held the other. We pushed together for awhile until again, I got frustrated.=) We were not moving as quickly I would have liked, plus we were pushing against each other more than working together. Finally, I convinced Stephen to let me push, and I took the reins. We made it to the soccer field in record time (although Jeremy did still catch up with us...we had lost some time!). During this whole stroller escapade, I learned a seemingly simple life lesson. The Holy Spirit brought to mind something I seem to learn over and over again. In this journey on earth, Stephen represents me, the stroller represents my life, and I (as the Mommy) represent God. So often I try to take control as Stephen did and do things my way. I do okay for awhile, but then God sees that things could be better if He was in control. I then relinquish one "handle on the stroller," and we "push" through this life together. We do alright, but my path is not the perfect one that God could take me on. Finally, and admittedly I haven't reached this point in every area of my life, I give God the reins. I let go with both hands and give Him total control. He will get me to the "soccer field" at His own pace and along the best route. It may not seem best to me; my way may have seemed easier, but He knows best. He's much wiser and can see beyond what I see. It just seems so hard (kinda like a stubborn 3 year old) to let go! Letting go, however, is the only way for me to truly see that God, my Heavenly Father, knows best. He's waiting for me to give Him control. He will "take me as far as I want to go, as fast as I want to go." Thank You, Father, for being so patient!=) And thank you, Holy Spirit, for teaching me in the every day moments!


  1. Wow...this certaintly applies to my life as well. I just mentioned to Jimmy last night as I was lying on the couch recuperating from breaking my nose on Friday that sometimes the Lord just steps in and slow us down to get our attention. My focus has not totally been on God in the past few weeks and I've let a lot of distractions get in the way of devotions and prayer time. The Lord sometimes uses even "broken bones" to give us rest and show us who is in control.

  2. Who ever thought you could get such a great lesson from a stroller. You are so wise. Thanks for sharing. Please pray for me that I will let God push me in the way I should go.

    Miss you guys.

  3. What a great analogy! The same thing usually happens with me and my daughter with the shopping cart at the grocery store. Next time it does, I'll be sure to remember your story!
