Sunday, May 17, 2009


Stephen's soccer pictures (It's a picture of a picture. That's why the quality is bad. He loves these pictures though, and calls his team "his friends!")

Me (with my brown hair) and Stephen at Thomas Live

Jeremy and Stephen at Thomas Live

The Canter family at Stephen's soccer game

Stephen and Erin at the Museum (the cow was mooing loudly!)

This past week was busy but fun. Let me start with last Wednesday. The boys spent the afternoon and night with my parents, and I took the free afternoon and got my hair re-done. I'm am back to my natural color...brunette...Good bye blonde! I'm praying the upkeep is better; time-wise and financially. Jeremy likes it, and that's what really matters.=) On Thursday, Stephen and I enjoyed a day at the Durham Museum of Life and Science with our friends Ruth and Erin. We had a great time, and I am actually thinking about getting a membership there, so we can visit more often. On Friday, the Canter family came down and spent some time with us. We are so greatful that the miles have not distanced our friendship. We walked to Chic-Fil-A Friday when they got here for some icecream and then laughed as their son, Corey, jumped into the freezing cold pool at the clubhouse! Stephen thought that was so cool...I just hope he doesn't try it!=) After putting the boys to bed, we stayed up late and watched the series finale of Prison Break. I truly hate scary/bloody shows and movies but, for some crazy reason, I have loved Prison Break. Jeremy and I have been fans since the first episode and are a little sad that it's over. We'll just have to anticipate new episodes of 24 now! Saturday morning we got up (the Canters slept in our living room...God bless them!) and went to Stephen's soccer game. He did well again, and a woman I had never met actually came up after the game and complimented me on how well he plays. Who knew? We've got 2 more games and then we prep for t-ball, which starts late June. I am loving having an active little boy!=) After Stephen's game, the Canters kept Caleb at our apartment while we took Stephen to see Thomas Live at the Raleigh Auditorium. I had bought second row, center seats off Craiglist for very cheap! Yay! The seats were great, but the show was so-so. Jeremy and I thought it was cheesy, but Stephen thorougly enjoyed it! We went to eat with the Canters for a late lunch, and they headed back to Winston. We spent Saturday night at the apartment. Sunday was busy with church, but it was great. JD is preaching through a series on prayer, and it has really challenged me. I'm trying to pray as if God was actually sitting there listening (which He is). My words and approach are so different, though, when I consider what I would really say if standing before His throne. This is a new and exciting area of growth for me. This week has been good also. On Monday, Stephen, Caleb, and I hung out at our new friend Jen's house. She has a little boy, James, who is about Stephen's age. They had a great time. On Tuesday, we went to a playdate at another new friend's house. Stephen had fun playing with the other little boys there. I'm praying that he would begin understanding and developing true friendships. Today's Wednesday and right now, my Mom and Maw-Maw have Stephen and Caleb down by the pool. I've stolen a couple minutes to run to the clubhouse and blog. We're headed to Winston tonight. I'm very excited to see some family and friends that we miss so dearly. UG's graduation is Friday night, and I'm excited to see the students! God has blessed us so much here, in our new home, but we still love so many people back in Winston. I am thankful for perserving friendships and new ones!=)


  1. Sounds like you are doing really well and making lots of new friends but still keeping touch with your current friends. See you tonight. Love your hair!

  2. I had no idea that you weren't a true blonde! Way to fool me! When I saw the pic I wondered why you went brown...then I read that was your true color. I never would have known. Both colors look great on you by the way!

    Perhaps I will see you at church tonight, since you are headed this way.
