Friday, March 26, 2010

Our Next Baby!

This morning we bought a new van and later in the morning saw amazing pictures of our newest addition! After much debate and thought, we finally settled on a Nissan Quest which we bought off Craigslist. We used the Dave Ramsey method, and I feel like we got a great deal! Plus, I love the van, and that's a big deal 'cause I'm not really into being a "mini-van Mom." The ultrasound was great, and I kept thinking back to Psalms 139 and God's amazing creation. Thankfully, the baby looks healthy, and we are right at 18 weeks. The technician could easily tell if it was a boy or girl, but we closed our eyes, so we wouldn't know! It was hard, but Jeremy and I have decided to let this baby be a surprise. It makes the due date more exciting (and seem longer away!). Enjoy the glimpses of God's newest, amazing creation in our family!

Little feet

Covering his/her face

Little hand


  1. i say it's a girl! can you have your doctor call me and let me know, i hate waiting!! lol!


  2. oh, and it's not THAT bad waiting. we had to wait with alex...that little girl would NOT reveal herself, and believe me we tried...SEVEN TIMES, we tried!! i thought i was gonna go CRAZY, but it went by really fast. and in the end it was really neat when the dr. said "it's a girl!"!!!

    either way, i know you'll be happy with a boy or a girl!!!

  3. We wanted desperately to know with Phoebe, but, like Alex, she would not cooperate! Modest, I guess!

    It must be van-buying season! We bought our THIRD minivan the other day, a Town and Country. However, unlike you, I am totally into the minivan mom thing. When I was a student teacher, my cooperating teacher had a red minivan, and I decided right then and there that when I "grew up", I wanted a red minivan. Our first was silver, second purple, and finally a red one! I never chose any of them for their colors, but I am thrilled that the one the Lord led us to buy this time happened to be red!

    Love the baby pics!

  4. So sweet but so bummed that we didn't see more (aka the sex of this baby)...I love this pics though and can't wait for this baby to arrive!
