Last night while I was fixing dinner, Stephen and Caleb were playing together in the living room. They were laughing it up and running everywhere. It was such a sweet moment that I almost got my video camera. I'm used to hearing them struggle and fuss over who had what toy. Last night was different...
Until I heard a loud bang and deafening cry from Caleb. I walked around the corner, and Stephen immediately said, "I didn't do it. I didn't do it. I didn't do it!" Even now, a day later, I'm not sure if he really "didn't do it." Guess I'll never know. What I do know, though, was that Caleb was bleeding terribly, immediately over his right eyebrow. I picked him up, laid him back in my arms, and grabbed some toilet paper to apply pressure.
Stephen followed me upstairs as I looked for the phone to call Jeremy. I could tell this not just a cut but more of a gash. Jeremy immediately came home and in the meantime I got us an appointment with Caleb's pediatrician. Stephen kept following me around handing me bandaids, Caleb's blanket, etc. It was sweet but pitiful. By this time, though, Caleb had stopped crying and was ready to play again. He bounced back very quickly.
At the pediatrician's office, the Dr. immediately said that it was too deep and long to "glue" back together. He sent us to an urgent care down the street that specializes in children. Jeremy dropped me and Caleb off (he doesn't do well with blood; Stephen's the exact same!), and he and Stephen headed to McDonald's for dinner. My half cooked meal sat on the kitchen counter til I was able to finish it last night around 10 and put it in the fridge for tonight.
The Dr. there last night was actually the wife of my favorite Dr. at the boys' pediactrician. I was glad to see someone that I trusted. She gave me the option of letting her stitch Caleb up or take him to the ER where they could put him to sleep and do it. She was a little fearful that at Caleb's age he wouldn't be still, and we'd end up at the ER anyways. After thinking for a little while, I decided it was worth a shot to do it there.
They cleaned Caleb up really well and put a numbing medicine on him for 15 minutes. I distracted him with books and stickers while the medicine settled in. Finally, they laid him on a bed with a bright light shining on his face. Two nurses held him on one side while I, and the Dr. working on him, held the other. Honestly, I could barely watch. My stomach has not been super strong this pregnancy. I did my best to talk to him, though, and he was amazingly cooperative. It wasn't until stitch number 3 that he lost it, and I was glad to pick him up and comfort him in my arms.
We go back next week, and they'll take the stitches out. I can already tell he's gonna have a nice scar, but hey, that only makes him fit better into our family. We are all scarred up!=)
He slept well last night and has been his playful self today. I still feel sorry for him when I see that boo-boo over his eye. Admittedly, I've tried so hard to protect him over the past few weeks. He's the exact age Stephen was when we had the wreck, and I've struggled to keep him from suffering. While this was minor in comparison, God reminded me that these boys are His. That every day I've got to let go. I've got to give them to Him and trust Him to take care of them. I know His plans aren't easy, but they're always best. It was amazing last night, though, being able to pick Caleb up and comfort him. How I longed to do that when Stephen was this age.
My thought before falling asleep was, "When will I ever be normal?" Will stuff like this ever not be a big deal to me? Will my mind ever not race back to 2007? Doubtful. And the truth is, I don't think I want to be normal!=) I want to cherish being a Mommy. I want to love comforting my children when they need it. I want to be different no matter how hard it is! That is what God has called our family to! And we'll celebrate it even in the stitches!=)
Oh my little precious funny Caleb! It hurts me to see your boo boo, but I really think you must be proud of it with that silly little grin! Maw Maw wants to be there and hug and kiss on you and listen to your giggle! Thank God for your wonderful Daddy & Mommy that know exactly what to do when things like this happen, cause we know this is probably just the beginning with 2 little boys! Tiff, I'm so thankful you are able to hold and comfort your boys, and honestly I see you making up for the time you couldn't. These boys are blessed to have you and Jeremy as your parents and we couldn't be prouder! Love, Mama