Sunday, January 31, 2010

Sick & Snow (But not sick of snow!!!)

To keep it short and non-disgusting, I have been so unbeliveably sick this past week. In addition to a nasty stomach bug (and night of sleeping on the bathroom floor), this morning/all day sickness has been terrible. The bad thing has been the fact that the stomach bug has affected my appetite which in turn has increased the nausea. I'm not complaining, believe me. There's a new little person growing inside my belly! Can I expect that to be an easy thing to adjust to?

On top of my stomach stuff, Stephen woke up Wednesday night with a 103.3 degree fever. Jeremy and I were pretty worried. My Mom came up and stayed with us nearly all week. We took Stephen to the Dr., and they tested him for the flu. Praise the Lord it came back negative. The untreatable phrase "viral" is all they can tell that he has, but his cough has only gotten worse. Poor little guy hasn't eaten for nearly 4 days. On the way home from the Dr. last week, my Mom asked Stephen if he'd like to go somewhere for lunch. He immediately said "McDonalds!" She then asked him what he wanted, and his reply was "A Happy Meal without the food!" She and I laughed our heads off! We did go through the drive-thru and get him a Happy Meal. He enjoyed the toy while I enjoyed the food!=)

Regardless of all the sickness, we have LOVED the snow! It's been a great way to get our minds off of our selves and enjoy the beauty of God's creativity! We went sledding both yesterday and today down the little hill in our backyard. I really think that Jeremy and I enjoyed it more than the boys!

Here are some pictures of our adventures...

Jeremy and Stephen headed back up the hill

A "before picture" of the snowball

Here's the "after picture!"

Jeremy and the boys headed back home

Stephen all bundled up

Caleb so bundled up he could hardly move!

Stephen and his sled


  1. I am so sorry about all of the illnesses...hopefully they will come to an end very soon! I am glad that the snow gave you some relief and enjoyment. The pics are adorable!

  2. Hope you all get to feeling better soon and your pictures show some very happy boys:)
