So yes, this morning in the cold, dreary rain, Jeremy and I headed to the Dr. We were late, of course, but it was SO hard dragging ourselves out of bed (especially when Stephen and Caleb weren't there to wake us up!).
I've been anxious and excited about our first ultrasound appointment. Besides the "scary one" we had with Stephen at 6 weeks (due to some complications) and the early one I had in the hospital with the baby we lost, Jeremy and I have never had an ultrasound this early. I guess it's a new thing they're doing on a regular basis. Anyhoo, today was the day and praise the Lord we had an excellent ultrasound techinician. She was able to find the baby through my belly (and you women know the other method I was hoping to avoid!). Very quickly Jeremy and I were able to spot a little person wiggling around on the screen!
We're not that far along in our pregnancy, but we could clearly see the baby's stubby arms and legs. The technician even commented on how much he or she was moving! We were able to hear the heartbeat, and everything looks and sounds great! Our new little baby is about an inch long and weighs less than a paper clip at this point (I have no excuxe for already gaining weight!). I'm praising the Lord already for this little miracle and am reminded so deeply of the sanctity of human life.
We met with the nurse for awhile, and I got both the regular and H1N1 flu shots. They also drew quite a lot of blood for testing. We'll go back in about 3 weeks for my next check-up.
And here's the "dramatic conclusion" I've been holding out on!=) After measuring the baby, the ultrasound technician informed us that I was originally given the wrong due date. The baby was measuring about 1 week farther along, which makes me 9 weeks. She printed out our first "baby picture" and also a sheet that had our new due date on it. I am still a little in awe that our due date is now August 27th.
For some of you, that date means absolutely nothing but for us, it holds a lot of meaning. August 27, 2007 is the day our family had the car wreck that nearly took our lives. No matter how much we heal, we will never forget that date. And can you believe, of all the days in the year, God chose that one as the due date for this baby!
Jeremy and I just smile. Isn't God amazing?! He can truly do whatever He wants to! We've been reminded about how in control God really is. Nothing ever, good or bad, takes Him by surprise. This pregnancy was totally not planned by us, but He sure has a plan! Wow! I even read in my devos today Psalm 16:7, which says, "I will bless the Lord who guides me..." Yes, that's what we will do! In the good times and the bad, our Father is lovingly in control. We will bless Him!=)
And now, meet the newest little Pollard...