Monday, September 14, 2009

Is It Crazy Busy For Anyone Else????

So, I feel very guilty for saying I'm "too busy" when there are Moms around the country who are working and doing what I do each day. I really don't know how they manage. It seems like non-stop here, and I'm home every day with the boys.
It's been worse lately with Caleb being sick. He got over a stomach bug about 2 weeks ago and then this past weekend woke up one night with the croup. We called the Dr. and thankfully avoided the ER. He's on a steriod and seems to be getting better. Caleb's also officially walking now. He still falls some (especially when he gets in a hurry) but is doing great. It kinda makes me sad to realize my baby is growing up; not sure how it happens so fast!
Stephen is doing well. He's still taking the breathing treatments each day to combat the asthma the Dr. thinks he has. Overall, though, his cough is much better. He's still playing soccer and has actually scored a few goals this season. We still can't get him to use his right foot, though. He's totally left footed but right handed. Weird!?
I've also joined a Women's Bible Study at church which has been good so far. It's nice just fellowshiping with others. I've missed this since not having MOPS. Jeremy and I are also in a small group now, and we are enjoying that. The other couples are so nice, and we all have kids. Stephen enjoys this "play time" while Jeremy and I are able to grow with others in God's Word.
Well, we have finally settled on a house and signed a contract! Yay! The search is over! We close on October 7 and are very, very excited! The house is much larger than we expected, but it was a great price. There are five bedrooms upstairs with a family room, kitchen, etc. down. We'll be able to have lots of guests over or possibly fill it up with babies!=) (I bet Jeremy's mouth is wide open if he's reading this right now!)...Love you Babe...We'll see!=) The house also has a great backyard that we're gonna have fenced in. We can't wait to get our dogs back! The house is also across the street from a new library. I think I'll enjoy this commodity since I'm home every day with the boys. Stephen has always enjoyed story time. Anyhoo, I could go on and on about the house, but I'm not. You will just have to come and see it!=)
Oh, and we leave for Disney in 12 days! Praise the Lord! The countdown is coming to an end! We can hardly wait! It's like the number one topic (besides how we keep getting sick!) in our house right now! Yay! So many big things are on the horizon for us! We're just along for the ride and praising the Lord that His plans are so perfect!

Stephen and his new friend, Brenden, at a Durham Bulls' game on Labor Day

Caleb walking in his baseball pj's

Our New House! I'll take more pictures once we move in! Thanks for praying!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the house. Sounds great. Caleb will be walking in Disney. I hope everyone is well by then. Tell Mickey I said hello and have a great time.
