Monday, April 11, 2011

50 First Dates...Not Really!

Sung these words at church Saturday night:

"You stay the same through the ages.
Your love never changes.
There may be pain in the night,
But joy comes in the morning.
And when the oceans rage,
I don't have to be afraid.
Because I know that you love me;
Your love never changes.
You make all things work together for my good."

Let me admit that I often struggle with songs like these. I feel like we sing empty words and don't realize what we're really declaring to the Lord. Often I find myself mute, really thinking through the words and discerning if I can sing them with an honest, pure heart. Maybe I'm overthinking this, but it's true.

My "toughest song" has been and still is the "Blessed Be Your Name" one. I can still barely utter the phrase, "You give and take away; my heart will choose to say; Lord, blessed be Your name." Really? If He takes it all away will I really choose to say "Bless the Lord's name."

Some of you are thinking that yes, I'd do this, I did it in 2007 when we had our wreck. And yes, by God's grace I did, but I think in reality I still question what my response would be if it all happened again-if God rocked my world and took away everything I hold dear. I just don't know. I pray He would give me the grace to respond in blessing to Him again but really, who can be sure? I know the right answer, and I can easily sing it in church, but do I really mean it? Really??

Anyways, all of this crazy, blow your mind thinking led me to make a list. Yes, 50 things to be exact, that God did in my life in August 2007 that I can look back on and say, "You make all things work together for my good." I think I've known these things all along, but it was freeing to finally write them all down. And I didn't set out to make most of them "spiritual." Seriously, that just kind of happened.

So, for those of you who are still reading this entirely too long and drawn out blog post, I'll begin my list. And for those of you who make it through all 50, God bless your hearts! This is a lot of stuff:=)

1-Deeper relationship with Christ
2-Saw true miracles
3-Witnessed the power of prayer
4-Realized He's all I need
5-Saw His working in intricate details
6-Understood bigger purposes/big picture
7-Overwhelming peace
8-Forgiving love
9-"Preciousness" of life
10-Each day he's ordained
12-Health is a blessing; don't take it for granted
13-He's always there
14-True joy is found in him
15-We can represent him without a word
16-His word is powerful
17-Every day is ordained
18-Extended family is priceless
19-Sacrificial love
21-Grief process
22-Silence is often best
23-Friendship rocks
24-His strength is perfect
25-Be real
26-Life can stink, but he's faithful
27-Love of church family
29-Our children aren't ours-God has a plan
30-How to laugh (look for it!)
31-Life keeps moving
32-Hurting people are everywhere
33-Money is a tool
34-Letting go
36-Look for opportunities to share him
38-Thinking before speaking
39-Always say I love you
40-He provides
41-Music is powerful
42-God knows/sees everything
43-He understands a deeper pain than mine
44-Drs/nurses are called by God and need our prayer
45-Don't take for granted the little things
46-God wants to use our kids now
48-He sees way down the road
49-Heaven is sweet
50-Quietness of soul

There they are...some of them are so random and could probably use an explanation, but I think you get the point...through one huge, life changing event, God taught me things that could have taken a lifetime. Really? What a blessing in disguise. Is my heart learning to say "You give and take away, Lord, blessed be your name" even as I write this? Hmmm???

Anyways, to reward anyone who labored through this entire post, here are some practical, somewhat embarrassing things I also learned=):

How to use a:
-Sliding board
-Bed pan
-Portable potty thing
How to load a handicap van (yep, on the little lift thing!)
How to get around with only my left hand, including:
-Drying my hair
-Putting in my contacts
-Etc, Etc, Etc
How x-rays, MRI's, etc. work
The different bones and how they can be broken
The way kids' necks and eyes are made
How "fun" physical therapy is (Ha!)...How heavy a can of corn can feel!
How to strap on the "cast protection" bath thingies
How to not take a bath for weeks
How to let others bathe you, wipe you (is that too much info???), etc.
Pretty much, how to be a baby again...totally reliant on others!

And if you'd like, I can demonstrate for you how to move around the room on your butt, using only your left hand for support and not putting any weight on either leg. It's pretty awesome! Ha!

So, there you have it. God really does have a plan...and that plan, no matter how tough, offers us the greatest gift of all, Himself and His love!


  1. Whew! I made it all the way through, JK!
    I too stand and have talk to myself while singing sometimes about whether I am lying or speaking truth while singing songs. Thanks for your transparency. I had a hard time wtih Open Hands this week for the same reasons

  2. Hooray! I made it through the post :)

    That song is one of my absolute favorites because it challenges me to think, every single time I hear it. I thought about blogging about it myself the other week.

    On top of all of that I want to say that I love how God not only taught you all of those things in 2007...but that He is also continuing to remind you of those truths today in 2011...and allows you to share them with those that love you EVERY time they are in your presence. Thank you for constantly being a Godly woman in my life!!!!

  3. How proud can I be as a Mother! Yes, I read every one of them and I was there to see your struggles, as well as Jeremy and Stephen's. It really hurt. At the time, there were a lot of questions, but God knew what was in His plan. In all that you have learned from this time in your life, we are now ourselves reaping the benefits from all that you are teaching and sharing. I love you, Tiff! Mama

  4. This is so precious and a sweet testimony of how God truly is trustworthy, even in our pain. Thank you for sharing. I'm so glad you are my friend and that your family is at our church!

  5. I read the entire post and to me you are an example of the song Blessed Be Your Name your life sang it and sang it well and continues to sing it!
