Tuesday, December 23, 2008

How Things are Going!

We've officially been moved for a little over 3 weeks now. Time has flown by. Jeremy is enjoying his new ministry at the Summit. He seems to be adjusting well and has some great ideas for the Children's Ministry there. It's neat to see him growing in this new role. Stephen hasn't missed a beat since we moved. He loves living with Paw-Paw and Maw-Maw and only occassionally asks about "home." He still refers to Union Grove as "his church" and calls the Summit the "big church." Caleb is growing like crazy and already weighs about 14 lbs. It's hard to believe he's 8 weeks old. I am enjoying the time I have with my parents and my grandparents. Some of my friends from high school and I have gotten together so our kids could play. Restoring these past friendships has been refreshing. Regardless, we deeply miss so many people from Union Grove and the Winston area. Not a Wednesday goes by where we don't talk about the GROVE. We check facebook often to keep up with the students. All this to say, yes, we have peace we are in the Lord's will. But, yes, we do miss those people whom we shared so many years with. Please continue keeping our family in your prayers. God's will is perfect!


  1. well said babe. I love you.

  2. So glad to see you started a blog!

  3. Daren and Kim are wishing you a wonderful Christmas can"t wait to see you this weekend We Love You guys and Miss you like CRAZY

  4. We miss you so much! I am glad to be able to keep in touch with your family through this blog.
    Merry Christmas!

  5. Miss and love you guys! =] Praying for ya'll! Merry Christmas!

    Hannah Fulk

  6. Great job with the blog. Thanks Jeremy for helping set this up. It is a great way to watch your family grow and to keep in touch. Love you guys and miss you.
